This is a blog template powered by Nuxt framework. The name of the template is Mentha. Currently, it uses version 3, but it will also support future versions. Versions lower than 3 will not be supported. The template is developed with Vue Composition API, with the setup
in the script
tag - <script setup lang="ts"></script>
and TypeScript support.
Several Nuxt modules are used to make the Developer Experience (DX) more delightful.
Additionally, the TailwindCSS plugin Typography has been added to automate content styling.
To use the template, it is good to know how to download it from GitHub. The template has releases you can use out of the box by extracting them to your disk. Then it is good to know how to work with NPM to install the necessary packages and be able to start the project. Need to know Markdown syntax and Nuxt directory structure. Familiarity with Vue & Vue Router and TailwindCSS would be good.
| .gitignore
| app.vue /* Entry point of the template */
| nuxt.config.ts /* Nuxt configuration */
| package-lock.json
| package.json
| tailwind.config.ts /* Additional TailwindCSS configuration */
| tsconfig.json
| \---css
| tailwind.css /* Base TailwindCSS styles */
+---components /* Reusable components */
| | Article.vue
| | ColorMode.vue /* Color mode switcher */
| | H1.vue
| | Navbar.vue /* Edit navigation of the template */
| \---content /* Components for content files */
| Comments.vue
+---composables /* Auto imported exports by Nuxt engine */
| utils.ts
+---content /* Content directory */
| | /* This doc is used by the home page */
| |
| \---blog /* Remove fake Articles and start to add yours */
+---pages /* You can add more pages here, then update Navbar component to update the navigation */
| | about.vue /* About page - edit with your information */
| | index.vue /* Home page - edit with your information */
| |
| \---blog
| index.vue /* Articles list */
| [...slug].vue /* Every Article's page */
+---public /* Static files */
| favicon.ico
| robots.txt
There is a function added in composables/utils.js
that takes a string
and returns it (the same) back. The function name is _t
. All strings in the template go through this function. The only purpose of this feature is to easily find all the strings that need to be translated if you add other languages ββto the template.
There is also a function in composables/utils.js
that converts an ISO date to a readable date. The function is called articleLocaleDate
. It is only demonstratively added and is subject to additional efforts on your part. Date localization is an important process, so consider it carefully.
To develop and extend the template, it is good to add a state manager. I highly recommend Pinia, as it has a module for Nuxt. Add categories and tags for the articles. Allow users to comment. Pay attention (a lot) to SSR and SEO. You can improve the pagination with additional information about the number of articles in the blog, etc. Read out the Nuxt Content documentation. Many things can be added, such as a sitemap, automated navigation building, etc.
to review ways to add components from markdown files to the templateIf you have an opinion or questions about the article, don't hesitate to share them.